Welcome to the online home of Mr. Ambinder’s English classes. This site will log the work we do in class, the work expected of the students, and the work we will encounter in upcoming classes. If we use electronic resources or handouts for the day, those will appear within daily entries, whenever possible. Make sure to check your class’ category by selecting the menu icon in the upper-left hand corner. Reach out to Mr. Ambinder at hambinde@pps.net

Let’s have a great year!

-Harris Ambinder


  • Demonstrate and know FRANKLIN STRONG! in our class interactions.
  • At the start of class, there will be an opening activity on the board or screen. This activity will be done in your composition book.  Get down to work on this to start the class.  These assignments will be collected and graded. Opening activities may count for up to 10% of your grade.
  • Phone policy – phones should be off and out of sight in class in accordance with FHS rules.  Phones will be allowed at times, but until that is announced, phones should be off and out of sight. If necessary, I will exercise my right to confiscate your phone and send it to the office where you can pick it up at the end of the day.  A second confiscation has more stringent consequences and so on… If there are exceptional circumstances that make it problematic for you to comply with this rule, SPEAK TO ME BEFOREHAND.  If there is a solution, we can find it.
  • Students have 3 opportunities to leave the room for bathroom breaks during class during the first semester.  A bathroom pass will be hanging on a hook by the door.  This is to be used only for the bathroom.  Next to that will be a clipboard.  Please sign your name, time you leave and time you return. If there are special circumstances in your case, please see me.  Students may leave the class for other destinations at the teacher’s discretion.
  • Late work is penalized.  If the late work is unexcused, it will be penalized a grade for every class session late.  Over the course of a semester, it is understandable if a student has difficulty meeting a deadline.  We have busy, hectic schedules. If there are special circumstances involving a due date, please discuss with me.  Handing in assignments late becomes a problem if a pattern develops.  Again, please speak to me if you anticipate issues with some deadlines.  Let me know what’s going on.
  • Be kind.
  • Be honest.
  • Work hard.
  • 3 ring binder is required for this class.  You may share the three-ring binder with another class’ work.
  • Work handed in to me must be typed or written in blue or black ink,  Pencil is OK but you must write dark!  Work submitted in any other color will not be accepted.
  • Your full name and period should be written at the top of work you hand in.
  • No racist, homophobic, sexist, discriminatory or intentionally hurtful remarks will be tolerated in class.  Let’s keep a respectful, supportive and friendly tone.
  • Chronic lateness will be dealt with according to the school policy.
  • Feel free to ask questions, express yourself, respectfully disagree with others and take risks.
  • You may not disrupt the learning environment for your fellow students.


Grades of A-F will be used. A = 90-100   B = 80-89   C = 70-79   C =60- 69   F= <60

Criteria for assignments will be discussed beforehand.  In most written assignments, these guidelines hold true:

‘A’  work is characterized by completed tasks marked by thorough and thoughtful efforts.  Answers go beyond the surface and first thought and offer discussion and example whenever possible. ‘A’ work is punctual, presentable, organized and follows perfectly the directions of the assignment.  Merely completing an assignment does not merit an ‘A’

‘B’ work should be complete and correct, but perhaps not as thoughtful and thorough as ‘A’ work.  If you do not discuss when asked to discussed, or if you do not go into depth, your grade will reflect that.  This work is presentable, organized, neatly done and follows the directions of the assignment.

‘C’ work is characterized by lack of completion, a significant number of errors, mistakes or wrong answers, or a half-hearted rushed job.  ‘C’ work suffers from poor or sloppy presentation.  For example, the paper is ripped or the writing is barely readable.  This grade indicates poor following of directions.


  1. Aurora Crosetti · November 21, 2018

    Dear Mr. Ambinder,
    My husband Bones and I met you at student/parent/teacher conferences.
    Thank you again for your time and for teaching Zola and keeping her interested and challenged.
    Zola is applying to AFS for her junior year abroad. She is interested in Finland.
    As part of the process she needs a letter of recommendation from an instructor.
    If this is something you would be willing to do I would like to email you the form.
    Please let me know if you can help out in this way.
    Thank you
    Aurora Crosetti


  2. Rafał · February 12, 2018

    Niebanalne schodnie ciągną na pod dach, gdzie będą fajne wnętrza oraz balkon. Bywa, że gdy rodzinka powstanie niewielka sypialnię godzi się wykorzystać jako pralnię. Hej!


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